~彩虹 永爱掺杂于阳光与雨水之中~



Having a Bad teMper This fEw Days. JusT beCause Of HonG jUn is faCing His Exam on nExt MonDay. I juSt leT hiM meMorise 30 sinOniM and unTil noW hE stiLl cannoT sEttLe fOr me. I knOw I ShuD noT ShoWing mY TemPer To hIm. But I ReaLly Cannot StanD iT.

I FeeliNg Bad aFter He bAck. I knOw I shuD not ScolD hIm. I nOe I havE tO be PateiNt. But I reAlly wOrry aBout Him. He iS vEry Very Weak iN hiS accademiC. bUt hE sTill Cannot paYing AttenTion wHen StudY.

I tOld Joe. I haTe Child. I StayIng iN a hOuse That fUll of Child foR 9yeArs tiMe. I taKe Care thOse chiLd for 4yeArs aT LeasT. I scAre chiLd. I nOe kiDs is vEry Cute and cAn PlaY wiTh tHem. But Had u eVer ThiNk of it? BecoMe a ParenT U have tO tkCr of ManY thIngs. tHeir cHarac, tHeir HomeWorK, tHeir Appetite, whAt tHey eat, wHaT thEy do, MonEy, warM. TheY neEd EveryThiNg. TheY neeD uR Time. hAve U eVer ThinK of ThaT????

I ScaRe KiDs. dOn Talk kIds to mE pleAse.......

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