哪 里知道真他妈的,回来后查我的email,他说:We will hold your salary until 15th Jan 2009for accounting and government dociment cancellation purpose。妈的,生气到。。他凭什么延迟我的薪资??什么鬼government document?? 我在试用期都没有什么EPF, SOCSO。。还说,...after you returns the belonging。真他妈的!!!
后来,我用很“温文”的语 气寄回一封SMS给他,问他:may I concern about that which government document that u need to cancel? Is it EPF or SOCSO? cause as i know i got no any epf or socso now. can u please list out which belonging that i shud return so that i can prepare. and why u hold my salary? as I no thats no any rules and regulation that u can hold my salary..
哈哈。。 我男朋友说,你做么那么斯文?我说,反正我也不缺钱,咱们就慢慢玩咯。。我就要看他身为一个老板怎么可以当得那么没面子,只要他不给我钱,我就告到 Labour Law去,因为他没有给我EPF, SOCSO嘛。。不然。。也可以考虑慢慢帮他打广告。。很简单的嘛,我也只是烂命一条。。